Tuesday, November 11, 2008

College... Is it too late?

Yesterday, as I was shopping for a good handgun, I decided to be grumpy about the fact that I'm 27, have no degree and valet for a full-time job.

This morning, I got up, jumped right on the computer and filed my application for Metro State University.

What's that? You've never heard of it? Well, I'll share with you that it is merely a school of convenience. At this point, I'm thinking the path of least resistance is more important than prestige of schools.

I can always go get a master's degree if I want from a school more recognized. Basically, I'm thinking school is a formality.

That doesn't mean I'm going to take the opportunity to actually learn. I am not putting down the education and what a degree means, but right now I need to do it in a manner that is most expeditious.

Questions, comments, concerns or emotional outbursts?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Well you could be like me. Almost 40, no degree and a Customer Service Rep as a career field! It's not fun to look back at my age and think what you could've done with your life! Good Luck...