Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hockey Hockey House cleaning

Well, last night we got another win for the Spiders. It was pretty awesome. The game started out with us scoring two goals right away. Then things got interesting. Somehow, after jumping out to a 3-0 lead we decided to let them score a couple goals. All in all, it wasn't a pretty game, but we came out ahead winning 6-5. It was terrible.

One of the referees for the game was a former NHL player who must have thought we played the ugliest hockey on earth. It was worse than watching 5-year-olds play soccer.

I'm getting ready to play again tonight. This time for the C2 Spiders. They are one division higher than the other Spiders, which means they're supposed to be better than us.

In other news, we just had the carpets cleaned at the house. We really needed it. I wish I could have seen what the guy was throwing out in the yard as he emptied the cleaner. From what I can tell from the remnants, it had to be disgusting.

We also painted some of the outside of the house. A squirrel had taken to eating the trim around our garage doors and the siding. A big shout out to that squirrel. I hope it dies from eating the siding. Painting all that stuff made a huge difference in the appearance of the front of the house. It sure looks nice now.

I've also given up drinking for the most part. I try not to anymore. I went about three weeks without a drink. I had a couple with the friends the other night at BWWs. I'm a sucker for the AmberBock; when it's on tap I can't resist. It ended up being absolutely delicious. Winterfest by Sam Adams is coming up. That is my favorite beer of all time. It is so good. I can't even explain it. I don't know what I'm going to do since I'm not drinking anymore. Do I buy some and when my period of sobriety is over take advantage of the stock? All signs point to yes, as the magic 8-ball would say.

That's all for now. I have to get ready for the hockey game.

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