Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pistols and the stigma

Why is there such a terrible stigma when it comes to pistols?

I hear people say things like, "Why do you want a pistol? Aren't they dangerous?"

Well, yeah, they are, but isn't a car dangerous with the wrong person behind the steering wheel? Or, what about shotguns? They're just as dangerous.

I am the owner of a brand new Taurus PT1911 .45ACP. The wife put up a big stink about it when I told her I was going to buy it. She just doesn't understand my want to exercise my right to keep and bear arms. I'm just doing my civic duty and supporting the Bill of Rights.

A couple nights ago, she was out with friends, some of which just had a baby. She told them I had bought the gun, and was obviously not thrilled about it.

The mother of the six-month-old baby said, "I don't want him in that house with a pistol there."

I find that odd, as she's grown up around guns. I guess what it means is that I'm going to accidentally shoot the baby. Because obviously, when he's in my house I'm going to have the gun out, loaded, cocked and off safe while he's playing near me.

That sounds absurd, right? I thought so, too.

Honestly, how many people would believe that's even a real situation. First of all, I've been trained to handle, shoot and clean weapons systems of all sizes. Respect and a small bit of fear is also taught. If you don't have a little fear, you won't respect it.

Yes, I'm afraid of what they're capable of, but I know how to handle a pistol with confidence and control.

With that being said, I love my pistol. Will I have it out around a baby? Absolutely not. Will I use good judgment when it comes to handling it? Of course. I accept the responsibility that comes with owning a pistol.

Here it is, a beautiful piece of steel.

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