Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hurrican time... job update...

Last night I had the pleasure of hanging out in my barracks room because of Tropical Storm Hanna. It was really more of a big rain. There was not a lot of damage done to the base or anything like that, so that is good. I guess we're lucky. We didn't get pounded by the storm, but maybe Ike will hit us harder. Keep an eye on the weather...

I've got news about a new place of duty! I should be going to Virginia, to a little base called Ft. Story. I'm pretty darn excited about it. I'll be doing public affairs for a new unit called Marine Corps Training Advisory Group.

That's why I had to write my bio. I've got to give them something to bring to the commanding officer to say, this guy might be able to help. Not to mention, I have to have a picture of me in service "C" uniform for them to tell if I have appropriate military appearance. I'll post that picture as soon as I get it taken. Should be pretty exciting.

Keep your fingers crossed. I'm hoping they like what they hear and see.

Now playing: Millencolin - Mooseman's Jukebox
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Andrea said...

what? You mean the tractor pic won't do you justice in that new position? LOL just kidding!

Good luck, I hope this new move is everything you expected!!!!